
Meteorological Services for Civil Aviation

Institute of Meteorology and Water Management-National Research Institute

Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute has been providing meteorological services for civil aviation in the Polish airspace for many years.

The Institute has developed a special service – Meteorological Services for Civil Aviation (polish abbreviation is “MOLC” ) which carries out tasks that aim to protect and secure Polish sky 24/7 throughout the year. It is the only team of people in Poland with the necessary and widely developed infrastructure, extensive experience and far-reaching skills respected all over the world.

The unit provides services to the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, to airports’ operators in Poland, to State Commission on Aircraft Accidents Investigation and to a number of other recipients of air navigation products.

IMWM-PIB has been appointed by the Minister of Infrastructure as an institution providing air navigation services in FIR Warsaw until the end of 2024.

On April 21st , 2020, the Civil Aviation Authority, after carrying out the assessment as part of ongoing supervision, awarded the Institute with the Certificate for ATM/ANS Service Provider for an indefinite period of time. Two aerodrome meteorological offices and twelve aeronautical meteorological stations were certified.

Warszawa gm. Warszawa

czwartek, 07:00
( Model: alaro )
994 hPa
Kierunek wiatru:
Prędkość wiatru:
15 km/h


-2° | 6°


-0° | 7°